Exploring the Internet of Things and Data Analysis

After a long hard day at work, all you want to do is go home, whip something up, have a glass of wine and unwind in front of the flat screen watching mindless soaps. You race home only to be greeted with an empty refrigerator and you are even out of wine. The only choice now is to order in Chinese food, you have been ordering continuously from last week. Even the delivery boy knows you by name. Such a bleak picture, ain’t it? Now imagine this, you are out of food and your refrigerator sends you a message on what to bring and how much to bring based on the data it has gathered over the last few months. You wine cellar asks you to refill your stock of wine. Well you get the gist. Think that it is a plot from the upcoming sci-fi movie? This is just an example of how ‘Internet of Things’ is changing the world and extending beyond people and into the very things making up the real world. What is Internet of Things (IoT)? Although, IoT, short for Internet of Things has a fuzzy description, it basically aims to redefine our digital experiences by adding Internet connectivity to anything in order to collect data which can provide value. In simpler terms, it means the internet which used to be the companion of electronic devices like mobiles, computers, tablet, television, is moving to objects around us from a chair, table, wine cellar, fridge, to fan and lights. Internet of Things is almost the equivalent of gold rush. It has transcended beyond connecting devices and is moving more towards harnessing data to transforming businesses. How to make sense of it? As per Gartner, IoT is projected to account for over 25 billion devices by 2020 with a significant on the way we live, work and interact. If the projection is to be believed, imagine the sheer amount of data that would be floating and the security and storage would be required for it. With this torrent of data coming our way, SMEs need to prepare for the impending data blizzard. An advent of any technology bring with itself a set of excitement and apprehensions. IoT offers massive opportunities but pose a lot of challenges to enterprises especially SMBs. As a business owner, a wake of any new technology can be overwhelming. You want to make the most of Internet of things but aren’t sure how this IoT can be incorporated in your business efficiently without breaking your existing business model? In the crux, IoT is all about data and the best ways to make sense of data is by tapping into these data streams. These data can enable fascinating business insights. With these data organizations can not only optimize their business processes but make much more informed decision which would not only ensure a better customer services and more personalized products but will also let you identify new prospects, predict their buying pattern and leverage it. What’s in the future? IoT is much like Big Data where you need to make sense of the data but in Internet of Things, data keeps pouring at dizzying speed. With the analysis of IoT data, you can connect your system, assets, processes and people to make sense of potential business insights. But for all this, you need to have a proper analytics platform which can help you analyze the data gathered through Internet of Things. At RailsCarma, we create bespoke dashboards and personalized data analytics applications using platforms like Hadoop and Ruby on Rails. IoT is ushering a new era of digital revolution and if businesses are to survive for long term, they need to start implementing IoT technologies. However, it is equally important to employ strategies accounting for the risks associated with IoT About RailsCarma We at RailsCarma, understand that data analysis are at the forefront of business intelligence and give you customizable solutions for effortless access to your business. We work with PHP & Rails (Ruby on Rails) frameworks with choices ranging from HTML/Ajax/JS to enable you to access data and its analysis on the go. At RailsCarma, we employ industry professionals and application architects to guarantee that your projects are always impressive and bring in business benefits. We make it possible for organization of all shapes and sizes to incorporate intelligent business solutions. Choose us and get an engaging and intuitive analytics platform integrated into your business practices. Contact us now to know more.

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