Reasons Why React Native Is The Future

We are always behind ‘Quick’ process activities whether it deals with money or time. IOS and Android are the two dominating operating systems currently hold the entire mobile world. Developers create apps for both the platforms that offer an enhanced user experience, or apps that are speedy at developing and running on multiple platforms and devices and they are looking for shorter development cycles, quicker time to deployment, and better app performance. Hence, Facebook has launched React Native, a platform to help developers in reusing the code developed for either iOS or Android on the other platforms also without having to start coding apps right from scratch.

Many developers already know that JavaScript, or HTML5 and CSS that’s bundled in a container allowing it to run natively on a device. Hybrid app frameworks have come a long way to bridge the gap between the performance of a native app and the ease of development of a web app, this technology is nothing but Facebook’s React Native user interface (UI) design framework. Yes! Roger that! It is the future!

  1. If we compare React Native with other JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS or MeteorJS, it is more focused on UI, making it more like a JavaScript library than a framework. Hence we get the output which is highly responsive and feels fluid. Bow head to asynchronous JavaScript interactions with the native environment. It will make the apps load quicker than a typical hybrid app, and keeps it running smoothly without interruptions.
  2. React Native is open-source. Probably the development community will upgrade it to make it compatible with other platforms like Windows.
  3. It supports both platforms IOS and Android though at it’s initial stage, Facebook only developed React Native to support iOS and it allows developers to use(reuse) the same code for developing apps for both platforms. Heard that Facebook used React Native to build its own Ads Manager app, creating both an iOS and an Android version.
  4. If developers are good at Javascript then it will be very easy to learn to code using React Native. Moreover, it’s one of the best mobile JavaScript frameworks growing in popularity among developers. You don’t need to learn iOS’s Swift or Java for Android—you just need to know JavaScript, platform APIs, some native UI elements and any other platform-specific design patterns and you’re good to go.
  5. It supports integration of third party plugins in our app. It means, we can use the functionality of other native apps of the device in react native and vice versa. Hence native app development is much more efficient and React Native is known to be effective in providing agility, speed and an overall good user experience plus less memory usage, and a smoother experience. React Native brings all of React JS’s better app performance, DOM abstraction, and simplified programming methods to hybrid mobile development.

Facebook released React in 2013 with the goal of sharing a brilliant piece of technology and concepts with the rest of community. Get ahead of the curve with React Native today. If you are getting started with your React Native development, we have found that the following packages help a great deal when you’re starting for the first time:

React Native Router: React Native Icons: The tutorials for it are made available on Facebook’s react native page on Github. Install React Native Router: In React Native project directory and run:
npm install react-native-router –save Usage: var Router = require(‘react-native-router’); Basics: var HiReactLovers = React.createClass({ render: function() { return Hi React Lovers!; } }); // Your route object should contain at least: The name of the route (which will become the navigation bar title) and the component object for the page to render var firstRoute = { name: ‘Welcome!’, component: HiReactLovers }; // The Router wrapper var MyApp = React.createClass({ render() { return ( ) } }); AppRegistry.registerComponent(‘routerTest’, () => MyApp);
Yes! You done it! From the “Hi React Lovers!”-page we can navigate to a new component by calling; this.props.toRoute(). More: Stay tuned!

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