MIT Has Developed a New Debugging Tool for Ruby on Rails

A new Ruby on rails debugging tool developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) researchers is a breakthrough technology. This tool provides improved security for programs written in Ruby on Rails. When the researchers tested on 50 web application written in RoR, the debugging tool took just 64 seconds to scan any single app. This new form of static analysis allows for quick searches and readily understood results by analyzing how information flows through a program using logical model instead of a programming language. The new debugging software decodes the flow of information in a program using the logical language and it can report how the program handles data through line by line description. These read outs point to areas of the program that could allow unauthorized users to access the information. “When you look at something like a Web application written in language like Ruby on Rails, if you try to do a conventional static analysis, you typically find yourself mired in this huge bog,” said Daniel Jackson, professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in a statement to MIT News. “And this makes it really infeasible in practice.” The debugging software can help in securing digital security of applications and websites. Also, it can help to convince more programmers to choose RoR for their future projects. The MIT researchers will present their results at the International Conference on Software Engineering from May 14 to May 22 in Austin, Texas. Source: Indu Aromal, COO, RailsCarma said,
“This is a great news for any Ruby on Rails lover. We are very excited as this will mean more security and an even better go-to-market for applications. We at RailsCarma have always strived to give customers the best possible experience and once this debugging tool comes into practice, we would be able to offer even better products and services to our customers. We are keeping a keen eye on this news and will keep our customers apprised of any further development”.

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